Campaign Manager - Campaign Manager (Silverlight)

Radial Tool

Use the Radial tool to make a selection based on a radial selection from a geographic midpoint using either a combination of Longitude and Latitude, or a postcode.

The tool contains standard search, zoom and navigation tools, depending on your individual implementation.

For example, make a selection such as Select all Customers in Households that are within twenty miles of point X, where point X is the planned location of a new store:


  1. Drag the Radial tool to the Workspace.
  2. Select the required join operator.
  3. Select the Latitude and Longitude columns to be used for your selection.
  4. Select the required distance unit: miles or kilometers.
  5. Select the distance from the selected midpoint.
  6. To select the midpoint location, enter a zip code/post code in the Location field, or double-click a point on the map.
  7. Click Run Processes to perform the calculation.
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